
Time to repack the exhibit once again. First thing to remove is all seven acrylic panels that cover the exhibit. Each is put into a 4ml plastic bag attached to a 1.5″ foam core panel. Next time it will be exhibited, all the fingerprints will need to be removed.

Each acrylic panel is held in place by a post in each panel’s corner. The post caps need to re-screwed into place before moving on so they are never lost. On the right they are removing Panel One which has a blank 6″ border on the left side.

Here Panel Two is being moved to its crate.
Crates One through Four ready to be transported. The seven panel crates will go into one of two 600# larger crates that can only be moved with a forklift of pallet jack. The five interior panels go in one crate. The two end panels which are 6″ wider go into the 2nd crate along with the seven bagged acrylic panels. All in all these paintings have traveled well over the years.
Way back in 2007 or 2008, I spent a year working with KC Balsley in Boulder to design all the logistics and details of Better Angels before the painting even began. Every detail was thought out.
I know you can barely see them here, but when not on display, Better Angels is stored with my other artwork in my storage unit in Colorado. The two big crates are side by side at the very back.

Until next time…

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