
In Gratitude

better angels has come to fruition only with the support of many, many people along the way.
We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their support:

First Angels

$500 – $1000

  • Mark & Polly Addison
  • Arrone & Taulere Appel
  • Jimmy Calano
  • Lyn Ciocca & Rob McCaleb
  • Phil McMahon
  • Arno & Brenda Niemand
  • Thomas & Marilyn O’Donnell
  • Richard Polk
  • Alan & Stephanie Rudy
  • Nile & Theodosia Southern
  • Maggie Wilde
  • Audrey Fishman Franklin

$100 – $499

  • Jessica Adams
  • David Black & Cathey Young
  • Howard & Lynn Brown
  • Alison & Kurt Burghardt
  • Amy Clay
  • The Compton Foundation
  • Pinque Clark
  • Jane Dalrymple-Hollo
  • Rebecca DiDomenico & Stephen Perry
  • Lisa Drake
  • Dan Friedlander & Diane Rosenthal
  • Karen Gerrity
  • Ann Hayes
  • Sue Hollingshead
  • Clarissa King
  • Lisa Jo Landsberg
  • Jill & Mark McIntyre
  • Sarah McKenzie
  • Gail Skinner
  • Jack Thompson
  • David Vorzimer & Nancy Thompson
  • Abigail Wright
Special Thanks

Chief Ron Siarnicki, the Executive Director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, became
an indispensable project partner and strong advocate for better angels, and found a way to get the project funded
when all else had failed.

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation was created in 1992 by an Act of Congress with the unfunded mandate to honor and remember America’s fallen firefighters and to provide resources to assist their families and co-workers in rebuilding their lives. Since 2009, the NFFF has been the artist’s link to the fire community and an invaluable partner in bringing better angels to the public.

Randy Zahn scanned each and every painting (some more than once) over the course of three years.

Karsten Balsley has helped at every step along the way from cutting the original wood blocks to designing the presentation wall, devising technical solutions to a range of challenges that the display of 343 fragile paintings provided.

Rachel LaBarre was an art major and intern from the University of Colorado, Boulder,
who burned and meticulously prepped 350 wood blocks for me to paint.

Alan and Stephanie Rudy graciously opened their home for an early project fundraiser that was co-hosted
by Mark and Polly Addison.

The Boulder County Arts Alliance provided the initial 501(c) 3 fiscal agency for better angels
which gave the project a legitimacy and non-profit status that was vital to early fundraising.

Ed Shure provided the space and the acetylene torch to burn the wood blocks.

Lillie Robertson has been a friend from the moment we met decades ago.  Her encouragement and support helped see me through some lean times on better angels.

Other Donations

Alan Katz • Sally Mier • Dorothy Tucker • Gary & Nancy Zeff

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