Lt. Charles Margiotta

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Lt. Charles Margiotta was also a stunt man for the movies, a private investigator, a baseball, basketball and soccer coach, and a substitute teacher. Chuck, 44, had been first in his class in probie school and had 20 years with the FDNY. He had lived in the same corner of Staten Island his whole life, knew everyone and everyone knew him. At 5’11” and 240 pounds, he was “the nicest tough guy” you could ever meet. His hunting and outdoors skills meant if you were lost in the woods, he was the one you wanted at your side. 
On 9/11 he was returning from a shift in Brooklyn where he had filled in for another firefighter when he heard about the WTC on his truck radio. He caught up with Rescue 5 somewhere near the Veranzano Narrows Bridge and rode in with them. He left behind a son and a daughter.

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