Andre Fletcher’s twin brother, Zackary, is a firefighter at Engine 4 in Manhattan. Both responded to the WTC but only one made it home. Andre, assigned to Rescue 5, was scheduled to be off-duty on 9/11 but was filling in due to a manpower shortage. Given how many members of Rescue 5 rode in heavy that day though, who knows but that Andre might have jumped on the truck too.
He and his brother were both hard-driving “Type A personalities” who excelled at athletics. Years earlier Andre had left the Bronx High School of Science to go to Brooklyn Tech HS to be nearer to his brother and to be able to play sports. After joining the FDNY in 1994, they played the same position on the FDNY’s football team. Andre organized a departmental baseball team when he learned the FDNY didn’t have one.
As a side job, the brothers, 37, had dreams of capitalizing on how much they looked alike to be twin models for TV commercials. They already had an agent and a planned trip to California to make it so. Then 9/11 happened.
Andre left behind a 12-year-old son who now – more than ever – has a guardian uncle.